Srb2 Kart Track Addons

This is the official SuperTuxKart add-on repository. It contains extra karts and tracks for the SuperTuxKart game.

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Srb2 kart track addons for pc

Srb2 Kart Track Addons Download

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Srb2 Kart Track Addons Download

wolfy852 released this Jan 19, 2019 ยท 1722 commits to master since this release

  • Self-Propelled Bomb improvements:
    • SPB Rush: 2nd place now gets drastically better items to catch up with 1st while a SPB is active.
    • SPB will find another target if its current target is no longer in the lead after 7 seconds.
    • Made SPB play fair when its target is on a conveyor belt.
    • SPB is now forcfully given to 2nd whenever 1st gets too far away.
    • Changed how SPB difficulty scales depending on character -- instead of getting harder for high acceleration characters, it takes both acceleration and drift-spark rate into account.
    • Fixed an exploit with SPB that caused it switch targets when its existing one died.
  • Item & roulette improvements:
    • The spinning roulette is now player-colored, to make it easier to tell if you haven't gotten the item yet during lag-spikes.
    • Your item flashes when the roulette finishes.
      • It flashes white with normal item odds, red for reduced odds, and rainbow for enhanced odds.
      • Flashing also acts as a short grace-period that prevents it being stolen by Hyudoro.
    • Reduced and enhanced odds now have their own item roulette finish sounds.
    • Enhanced Karma items spawn fireworks when picked up.
    • Fixed SPB/Shrink being able to be rolled while either is dropped.
    • Fixed dropped items not being removed in death pits.
  • Voting improvements:
    • Improved map variety. Duplicate maps only show up once a majority of maps have been played, instead of only seen.
    • Made gametype switch votes much more frequent under all settings, and changed the default from 'Sometimes' to 'Frequent'.
    • The chance for Map Hell appearing was accidentally made 2000% higher than intended; this has been fixed.
    • Splitscreen parties can now get yeeeah'd when their votes are picked.
  • Shrink improvements:
    • Shrink no longer causes spinout and instant speed loss.
    • Getting squished while shrunk reduces the length of your shrink timer.
    • Fixed Shrink being able to hit Grown or Invincible players since v1.0.1.
    • Fixed Shrink being able to hit spectators.
  • Map improvements:
    • Added a SRB2Kart finish flag to Daytona Speedway Zone.
    • Added a death pit to Hill Top Zone's jump.
    • Increased the difficulty of Misty Maze Zone.
    • Added missing player starts to Sand Valley Zone and SMK Bowser Castle 3.
    • Added minor missing finish line areas in Blue Mountain Zone.
    • Made the toll gates in Northern District Zone intangible.
    • Added fencing to the sides of the ice bridge in Sub-Zero Peak Zone.
    • Fixed a patch of offroad on the last spiral of Daytona Speedway Zone.
    • Fixed the alignment of the last two booster textures in Sand Valley Zone.
    • Added death pits to a few hard to get to areas that would normally soft-lock you.
    • Changed checkpoints for several maps.
    • Changed the textures in Kodachrome Void Zone.
    • Fixed position calculations being wonky in sprint maps.
  • Gamepad improvements:
    • Enabled explicit support for XInput controllers. In the rare instance that this messes with your gamepad, then try running the game with the command line parameter -noxinput to revert to the old behavior, or -nohidapi to disable any automatic SDL HID API mappings.
    • Added controller hotplugging. Plugging in a controller mid-game tries to assign it without requiring the game to be restarted.
    • Added the ability to use axes, accelerate, and brake to control menus.
    • Fixed Player 4 being unable to use a controller.
  • Netcode/server host changes & fixes:
    • Added lag compensation to turning. Turning in lag should feel much more responsive now.
    • Added lag compensation to starting boosts. You should no longer have to adjust your timing as much compared to Record Attack.
    • Added a 'netticbuffer' console variable that attempts to reduce connection-induced frame drops at the cost of, in the absolute worst case scenario, one additional frame of control lag. Setting to 0 reverts to the old behavior.
    • Renamed 'giveadmin' to 'promote', and 'removeadmin' to 'demote'.
    • Stricter network variable defaults. (Server hosts will need to change some of these settings to the new defaults manually, if desired.)
      • Changed default nettimeout & jointimeout from 350 (10 seconds) to 105 (3 seconds).
      • Changed default maxping from 0 to 800.
      • Changed default resynchattempts from 10 to 5.
    • Added an 'Advanced Server Options' menu with numerous network variables that server hosts normally tweak.
    • Everything is now automatically unlocked for dedicated server hosts.
    • Exiting countdown can now properly be set if players disconnect.
    • Fixed a bug where player count could overflow in dedicated servers.
    • Fixed a bug where remote admins would sometimes give illegal commands.
    • Fixed clicking 'refresh' multiple times in the Internet Server Browser showing less servers each time.
  • Modding changes:
    • PK3 add-ons are now supported! These are renamed ZIP format files, using folders to separate different lump types instead of markers. In SLADE, you can create these by clicking 'New Zip Archive' instead of 'New WAD Archive'. Obvious boons are the decreased the file-size from ZIP compression, organization via folders, and being able to quickly create & edit a usable add-on via batch.
    • Heavily extended the character set of the thin font. Notably, it contains lowercase characters now.
    • The maximum number of characters has been doubled (from 32, to 64).
    • Speed/Weight stats have been locked more consistently for modders.
      • Skin values are now locked between 1-9, but it's no longer locked when changing skins. This results in no gameplay change, but the character select screen no longer lies to you. Lua is still allowed to change these to absurd values.
      • Random instances where Weight was locked between 1-9 during runtime have been removed.
      • Engine sounds can no longer overflow with overly-high Speed/Weight stats.
    • Lua: Exposed the K_KartUpdatePosition function.
    • Lua: Added hooks for player damage. (PlayerSpin, PlayerSquish, PlayerExplode, ShouldSpin, ShouldSquish, and ShouldExplode)
    • Lua: Added constants for translation colormaps for HUD drawing.
    • Lua: Added a mapobjectscale global, which makes retrieving the map's scale less tedious to type.
    • Lua: Fixed SKINCOLOR constants not being accessible.
    • Lua: Fixed being unable to use 'colorize' translation colormaps for HUD drawing.
  • bonuschars.kart changes:
    • Added Flicky, by VAdaPEGA.
    • Added Motobug, by DrTapeworm.
    • Added Mighty, by Snu.
    • Added Vector, by DirkTheHusky.
    • Added Blaze, by Virt.
    • Added Arle, by Lat'.
    • Added Aiai, by DirkTheHusky.
    • Added Hatsune Miku, by zxyspku.
    • Reorganized character stats.
  • Added a reticule over all WANTED players' minimap icons.
  • The minimap and WANTED poster now appear in splitscreen.
  • Song credits are now shown in-game. Custom music can be defined with a MUSICDEF lump.
  • Added a fancy new character select stat grid (courtesy of sphere), which better illustrates drift-spark rates & engine classes.
  • Buffed item hitbox sizes. This includes item boxes, HUD dropped items, and karma-controlled items. This does NOT include Eggman items or karma-controlled Eggmen.
  • Nerfed the activation range of Mines, after the first tic. (The explosion radius remains unchanged.)
  • Drifting now requires a minimum speed to be reached at any time during the drift before drift-sparks can be earned.
  • Made the finish lines for sprint maps create respawn points.
  • Opponents' points in Battle Mode are no longer hidden behind their item arrows.
  • Made the offroad/item drag slowdown dust take your momentum, so more of it is visible.
  • Turning while respawning no longer needs you to hold accelerate & brake.
  • Added a 'Reset to defaults' option to Control Setup.
  • The Music/SFX on/off setting is now saved to config.
  • The game now checks for new unlocks after getting a Record Attack medal.
  • Darkened the disabled booster textures for more visibility.
  • Drifting and Pogo Spring states get reset on damage, when bumping walls, or touching Adventure speed pads.
  • Battle announcements are no longer shown for spectators.
  • NO CONTEST explosions no longer wait 2 seconds to start spawning the smoke stack.
  • OpenGL: 3D models now rotate to align with sloped surfaces.
  • OpenGL: Added support for a fallback player MD2 if one isn't found.
  • Fixed the offroad/banana slowdown dust effect spawning when not moving or while spectating.
  • Fixed squishing other players being unreliable in scaled maps.
  • Fixed sound distance not scaling with map scale.
  • Fixed HUD animations pausing on death.
  • Fixed zoom tubes being able to permamently give a player low friction.
  • Fixed per-map palettes not resetting when going back to the title screen.
  • Fixed the all-unlocks cheat not always saving after use.
  • Fixed spectator controls using the wrong gamepad axis for floating up/down.
  • Fixed an odd green frame on SPB's sprites.
  • Fixed patch.kart being loaded after sounds.kart.
  • Fixed the Master Server webpage reading 'Tag' instead of 'Match' for Battle Mode servers.
  • Fixed the green zig-zag replacement textures from v1.0.1 being named incorrectly.
  • Attempted to fix Race finishes using the wrong music on rare occasions.
  • Removed Gay Baby Jail.
  • Updated the codebase to match SRB2 v2.1.23; most unlisted changes from there will also apply here.
  • Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart (usually shortened to SRB2Kart or SRB2K) is a source code modification for Version 2.1 made by the Kart Krew team. Originally based on the Mario Kart mode of SRB2 Riders, it is a kart racing game with Sonic-themed characters, items and race tracks. SRB2Kart features over 100 maps for two game modes: the main Race mode and a Battle mode where players fight each other.
  • Sonic Robo Blast 2 and SRB2 Kart ported to the Switch. Originally based on the Mario Kart mode of SRB2 Riders, it is a kart racing game with Sonic and SEGA-themed characters, items and maps. The Srb2 Zone chat. Includes MIDI and PDF downloads. And yes, it also works for SRB2 Kart.

Boomland Kart Circuit

Srb2 kart 3d models

Srb2 Kart Master Server

srb2kart-v102-Installer.exe172 MB