Shapeshifter For Mac

Free to Try
Older Mac OS

If anyone would like to try Shapeshifter on their Amiga, I have gone to the effort of mounting and installing all the disk images for OS 7.6 as well as the 7.6.1 updates and all the other updates available, including the later Appearance Manager extension which makes OS7 look like OS8.

7.0 MB

Sep 14, 2007 ShapeShifter is a revolutionary new product that lets you change the overall appearance of your Mac using 'themes'. We're not talking about just desktop backgrounds and icons here, we're talking about everything - the look of windows, menus, apps, buttons, absolutely everything. You don't wear the same clothes every day, your house doesn't look exactly like your neighbor's - why should the computing interface you use every day be any different. ShapeShifter is a Macintosh-II emulator for AmigaOS. It has been superseded by Basilisk II, which also runs in AmigaOS.ShapeShifter's emulated machine supports Mac OS 7.1 to 8.1. It was written by Christian Bauer. Official page and downloads are located at Bauer's site.There is also some third party support online (updated circa 1999). Shapeshifter V2.3.1 For Mac Download Search Tips To create more accurate search results for Shapeshifter V2.3.1 For Mac try to exclude using commonly used keywords such as: crack, download, serial, keygen, torrent, warez, etc. Simplifying your search should return more download results. SHAPESHIFTER: 9.6/10 Given the shine level of some pomades, you might be tempted to think Suavacito is on the lower end of the spectrum. It's getting there, but ShapeShifter does it slightly better with a little more control with a comb or with water. And it looks natural no matter how you do it.

ShapeShifter is a revolutionary new product that lets you change the overall appearance of your Mac using 'themes'. We're not talking about just desktop backgrounds and icons here, we're talking about everything - the look of windows, menus, apps, buttons, absolutely everything. You don't wear the same clothes everyday, your house doesn't look exactly like your neighbor's - why should the computing interface you use everyday be any different. You personalize your physical workspace to suit your tastes and whims, so why not your Mac? With ShapeShifter, you can:
* Change the overall appearance of your operating system safely, quickly, and reliably
* Tweak existing themes to create the one that's perfect for you
* Experience things that haven't been possible with Mac themes before
* Quickly preview themes without actually applying them
* Use Jaguar or Panther themes in Tiger effortlessly
* User specific theme and icon set installations
* Add and remove themes effortlessly
What's New:
· ShapeShifter no longer causes instabilities when used with Apple's Pro applications.
· ShapeShifter now works properly with beta versions of Safari 3.
· Cocoa pull-down menus now use the correct text color when pressed.
· Cocoa box titles now use the correct text color.
· guiTweak now presents a more informative error dialog when an insurmountable error prevents tweaking from concluding properly.
· ShapeShifter now honor's Camino's 'CAMINO_DISABLE_HACKS' environment variable.
· The preference pane no longer erroneously states that new version '(null)' is available when an internet connection is present, but is unreliable.
· ShapeShifter now properly handles OS versions with a bugfix number greater than 9 (e.g., OS X 10.4.10).
· Windows bmp 'magic pink' transparency conversion now works properly on x86 machines.
· Adding a new guiKit to the ShapeShifter prefpane no longer causes the names of guiKits that are available to all users on the computer to disappear from the ShapeShifter prefpane.
· Resolved an obscure issue that could cause applications to crash occasionally when ShapeShifter is loaded

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ShapeShifter can act a bit strange at times and some of its features arenot obvious. Please consult this FAQ list if you are having problems withShapeShifter.


Will there be a PowerPC version of ShapeShifter?

A PowerPC ShapeShifter for AmigaOS is not planned.

How do I type a '~'?

Try <Alt>-<N>, followed by <Space>. If that doesn't work, activate theUSKEYMAP tool type and use the '`/~' key. For other keys, consult the'Keyboard' desktop accessory.

How do I rebuild the desktop file when starting the Macintosh?

You have to hold down the left Amiga key and the right mouse buttonon startup. The key combination <Alt left><Amiga left> doesn't workbecause this combination is intercepted by the Amiga operating systemas a replacement for the left mouse button.

How do I prevent volumes being ejected on restarting the Macintosh?

Hold down the Alt key (or the right mouse button), choose the 'Restart'menu item and keep holding the Alt key until the Macintosh screen iscleared.

I have xx MB of memory in my Amiga, but ShapeShifter is using onlya small part of it.

ShapeShifter can only use a contiguous memory block. E.g. if you have2MB of Chip RAM, 8MB of 32 bit Fast RAM and 4MB of 16 bit Fast RAM,the theoretically available amount of memory for ShapeShifter is 8MB(and not 14MB). The Amiga operating system will, of course, use someof these 8MB for itself.

In spite of my 68040, the Macintosh emulation is slower than on anAmiga 3000. How can that be?

You are probably using a 512K ROM. This ROM is not completely 68040compatible and ShapeShifter has to turn off the data cache to make itrun. If you use a 1MB ROM (e.g. from a Quadra) the speed should increasenotably.

How can I install the Macintosh System without HD floppy drives?

(According to Mike Carlson):

  • Use a program called DiskDup+ on a real Mac to read in a Mac System disk. I used the Disk Tools (or whatever it's called) disk from System 7.5 as a test. It doesn't matter that the disk is 1.44 Mb.
  • After DiskDup+ reads the disk, have it save the image to a file.
  • Get it to your Amiga. I used a null-modem. But you can also use 'Splitz' and 'Jointz' to split the file into smaller parts that can be transferred with DD disks.
  • Tell ShapeShifter that this image is a FileDisk.
  • Start ShapeShifter.

How do I print under ShapeShifter?

You need a suitable Mac printer driver. For Epson-compatible parallelprinters you can use 'Chuck's Printer Driver', for HP DeskJets/LaserJetsyou need 'HPDJ 3.0'. Simply configure the Mac printer port for the parallelport and choose it from the Mac printer driver. The serial settings don'tmatter but you should turn on 'Hardware Handshake'.

You may also use the commercial package 'Power Print' that includesdrivers for the most popular printers. For more info, contact:

I can no longer format 720K disks under System 7.5/7.6. With 7.1 it worked.

Due to a brain-damaged modification to the Disk Initialization Package,System 7.5/7.6 refuses to format 720K disks unless the '720K Disk Formatter'extension is present. If you give ShapeShifter the tool type '720KKLUDGE',it will format these disks with 719.5K. Apart from losing 512 bytesof disk space, it doesn't make any difference. 719.5K disks can be readon a real Mac as can 720K disks under ShapeShifter with System 7.5/7.6.

Shapeshifter For Mac

The Macintosh doesn't boot. How can I now quit ShapeShifter? The Finderis not loaded.

Press <Ctrl><Shift left><Alt left><Esc>. ShapeShifter should then quititself.

Nothing works! After starting ShapeShifter, I only get a white/gray/ditheredgray screen.

In rare cases, it may happen that the Macintosh won't boot or might crashon startup. Then you should try the following:

  • Turn the option 'Allocate Mac ROM memory first' on.
  • Turn the option 'Write-protect ROM' off.
  • Switch off the CPU cache (command 'CPU NODATACACHE' from the Shell).
  • Start ShapeShifter with the tool type 'NOCOPYBACK'.
  • Delete the file 'ShapeShifter PRAM' and start ShapeShifter again.
  • Change the graphics settings to 'Amiga Bitplanes', '1 Bit' or try the 'Amiga window' mode.
  • Hold down the left shift key on startup (first wait for the dithered Mac background pattern to apprear). This will disable all system extensions.
  • When you have problems with File-/DeviceDisks/SCSI then make sure that the maximum transfer sizes (MaxTransfer) are set correctly on the Amiga side as well as in the ShapeShifter settings. SCSI devices must be correctly terminated.
  • Boot the Macintosh from disk and use 'First Aid' or the Norton Disk Doctor to check the integrity of the start volume and the system file.
  • Re-install the Macintosh System, 'for every Macintosh', including the EtherTalk software.
  • Try a different Macintosh ROM

If that doesn't help, then I don't know (i.e. bug reports are useless).



I have changed the graphics settings and now there is only garbage onthe screen. How can I now quit ShapeShifter?

Press <Ctrl><Shift left><Alt left><Esc> (eventually hold it down).ShapeShifter should then quit itself.

When I switch from the running emulation to my workbench screen,parts of the screen get overwritten with Macintosh graphics.

If you are using CyberGraphX, consider using Picasso96 instead. Otherwisethere is no real solution for this. Press <Ctrl><Tab> before switchingscreens and take care that no Macintosh program is drawing on the screenas long as the Workbench screen is in front to minimize the effect.If you can live with a graphics slowdown, you may also activate thegadget 'Refresh always' in the graphics settings.

With a graphics card under CyberGraphX/Picasso96, I rarely get graphicserrors which disappear with ShapeShifter 3.5.

This is probably due to the QuickDraw acceleration. It can be turnedoff with the 'NOQDACCEL' tool type.

Why are the graphics only in grayscales?

Open the Monitors control panel on the Mac and switch to color.

Will there be video drivers for the OpalVision/IV24 cards?

Not from me.


PrepareEmul fails to work, it just reboots and reboots. My Amiga issoftkicked.

PrepareEmul doesn't work with softkickers. The only solution is topatch the Kickstart file as shown in the manual.

PrepareEmul fails to work on my expanded A1200.

Start PrepareEmul with the 'A1200' switch.

Shapeshifter For Mac Mojave

PrepareEmul still doesn't work.

Try the 'A1200' switch even if you don't have an A1200.

PrepareEmul still doesn't work.

See the manual for alternatives.

Turbo cards

I have problems on my A2000 with G-Force040 accelerator and a 1MB ROM.

(According to Oliver Stein):
Find the program 'Set040' by Nic Wilson and insert the following line inyour 'Startup-Sequence' right after PrepareEmul: Antigua winds serial number chart for age on z950r free.

If you remove all 16 bit Fast RAM from your system, you are able touse the original (AmigaOS) '68040.library', but then you have to usethe 'A1200' option of PrepareEmul.

(According to Stefan Raudonis):
The program 'GVPCPUCtrl' must not be started in the Startup-Sequence.The command alone, without parameters will cause programs to crashunder ShapeShifter.

Shapeshifter download for mac

I have problems on my A2000 with a Fusion-Forty accelerator.

To get rid of ALL problems regarding the Fusion-Forty and ShapeShifterand to be able to use ShapeShifter's MMU features, install the original(AmigaOS) '68040.library' in LIBS: and insert the following two lines atthe top of your Startup-Sequence:

Or, if you are softkicking a different ROM image:

You don't need 'PrepareEmul' then.

I have problems with my Phase 5 68060 board.

Turn off the 'CyberPatcher' utility.


My SCSI devices are not being recognized.

Shapeshifter For Mac Os

  1. The name of the SCSI driver must be spelt correctly. E.g. on the A3000 this is 'scsi.device' in lowercase letters, without quotes, and without 'DEVS:' in front.
  2. The IDs of the devices you intend to use must have a checkmark in the SCSI settings (the gadgets directly near the digits 0.6).
  3. The SCSI bus must be correctly terminated.

I cannot use DeviceDisks and/or SCSI devices with my Oktagon/AT-Bus 2008/AlfaPower/TandemAT/ALF-2/ALF-3 controller.

You have to use 'SSIOktaPatch'. Please read the file 'ReadMe' in thearchive 'SSOktaPatch.lha'.

I have problems with SCSI devices on a Fastlane/CyberSCSI/Blizzard SCSIcard.

See the ShapeShifter manual.


What is 'AHI' and where do I get it?

Apple Download

AHI (Audio Hardware Interface) is a device-independent audio driverby Martin Blom. More information and AHI itself can be foundhere. ShapeShifterrequires ahi.device version 4 or higher.

I can't use my sound sampler. The Amiga hangs as soon as I click on the'Record' button.

Your CPU is probably not fast enough to do the sampling. The CPU loadof sampling at 22kHz equals that of a serial transmission at a sustaineddata rate of approx. 250000bps. As you need a fast CPU to do this withthe 'serial.device', you need a fast CPU to do sound sampling underShapeShifter. 'But my A500 can sample at 48kHz!' you may answer. Thenname any Amiga sound sampling program that multitasks while sampling.


ShapeShifter runs on the 'DraCo' computer by MacroSystem. There are onlya few things to take care of:

  • PrepareEmul is not needed
  • In the 'DraCoSystem' preferences editor, the option 'Enforcer from 0' must be turned off
  • To get sound, you must have AHI and a sound card that is supported by AHI (preferably the Toccata by MacroSystem)
  • Only HD floppy disks are supported. If the access to the floppy drive is enabled ('Floppy' settings), ShapeShifter will crash on quitting. This is a bug in the dracodisk.device.
  • MacsBug doesn't work

Possible problems on the Amiga side

Some properties of ShapeShifter may lead to problems on the Amiga sideor may disturb concurrently running Amiga programs:

  • PrepareEmul will move the processor's vector base register (VBR). This may break some, very very few Amiga programs.
  • The FileDisks won't work with automatically (de)compressing file systems like XFH. If you use such a file system, you must create the FileDisk files using the name of the original (uncompressed) volume (e.g. 'DH1:MacFileDisk' and not 'XH1:MacFileDisk' if 'XH1:' is an XFH mirror of 'DH1:').
  • The debugging tool 'Enforcer' is not compatible with ShapeShifter on principle. You have to turn it off.
  • Owners of 68060 turbo boards from Phase 5 must turn off the 'CyberPatcher' utility.
  • Utilities that change the behavior of the AmigaOS task scheduler or modify task priorities are generally not compatible with ShapeShifter and may lead to all sorts of weird problems. Do not run these utilities or exclude ShapeShifter from their modifications, if possible.
Christian Bauer